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9.00-10.00 Registration and Coffee


10:00-12:20 Morning Session:

Chairs: Lucy Fairclough and David Cousins


10.00-10.05  Lucy Fairclough: Welcome from the Midlands Innovation Flow Group

10.05-10.20  Professor Tim Softley - University of Birmingham: Midlands Innovation

10.20-10.40  Merck: ‘Imaging Flow cytometry: see what’s behind the dots’

10.40-11.00  BD: ‘BD Innovations with FACS and mRNA seq’

11:00-11.20  BioRad: ‘Dead or Alive on the ZE5. Using flow cytometry to measure apoptosis’


11.20-11.40 1 minute Poster Bites. Hosted by David Onion


11.40-12.00 FlowCell: ‘Cytek Aurora, The Future of Spectral Cytometry’

12.00-12.20 Miltenyi: ‘The Revolution in Cell Sorting has Begun. The MACSQuant Tyto Sorter’


12:20-14.00: Lunch, Poster Session and Exhibitors


14:00- 16:30 Afternoon Session:

Chairs: Dan Hebenstreit and   Naomi Martin


14.00-14.20 Dave Withers- University of Birmingham: ‘Squeezing every last drop of data out of a flow cytometer: Combining fate mapping/reporting and transcription factor analysis.’

14.20-14.40 Alan Richardson- Keele University : ‘Novel strategies to treat ovarian cancer.’

14.40-15.00 Alex Wadley- Loughborough University: ‘Detecting changes in immune cell redox state: an optimised protocol for digital flow cytometers using peripheral blood mononuclear cells.’

15.00-15.20 Karen Robinson- The University of Nottingham:  ‘Investigating Helicobacter pylori-mediated immunomodulation.’

15.20-15.40 Peter Morrison- The University of Warwick: ‘Model-based transformation and clustering to elucidate uptake dynamics of carbon nanodots in plants’


15.50-16.30 Key Note Speaker :

Andy Filby - Newcastle University: The power of transmitted light: phenotyping cells by label free cytometry.


16.30-17.00  Networking and Wine Reception

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